Well I am back from a truly amazing weekend of seeing friends and making new ones and generally having a fun time at the Scrapagogo retreat.It was great to have a weekend of just having food put in front of me - no washing up, no cooking and total scrapping.
I loved all the classes and managed to get quite a few layouts done.
This one was by
There were two layouts for this class but I havent finished the second one yet.
The next one was a gorgeous 8x8 book class with Shimelle- I havent photographed it yet.
Then we did a great class with
Jane also spent some time with me starting out on art journaling which I loved - some of her stuff is amazing and I loved what I did, I'm inspired to carry on and do some more now.

Then it was a workshop on Sunday again with Jane Dean which I also really enjoyed.
I think that's all for now, will post some more pics tomorrow.