Well, at last January is over,most of the work was done by 8 o'clock pm Friday (a record) and there were only a few returns left to file on Saturday morning which was great as we are normally working right up until after midnight on the 31st. We had our traditional take away curry at work Friday evening and breathed a sigh of relief on Saturday. Most of Sunday was spent chilling or coming down to earth and yours truly managed to slip down the stairs and have an almighty bruise on my well padded posteria ! THEN it snowed and I managed to slip over on the walk to work- pride dented more this time!! So Sunday I managed to finish a project by
this lady she really is very clever and has some lovely kits. I have wanted to do this one of Mum for ages so enjoyed doing it on Sunday.It's still snowing here so might have to walk into work again tomorrow (could be trouble if it's icy!) Mind you - our new baby Archie had a ball as it was his first experience of snow and he was really funny to watch..