I'm scheduling this to post tomorrow(Friday).. so fingers crossed it works.....
I am SO relieved, I've been fiddling about on here for at least three evenings on and off - having nearly completely given up and lost my blog in the wilds of cyberspace forever and all because I wanted to put a new header on! I lost the background and couldn't get to the website I found it on originally so changed the layout ...then it kept telling me I'd run out of space in my Picasa web album ( I didn't even know I had one !!) Then it gave me the option of downloading Google Chrome - which I did and totally lost the plot as it wanted Windows updates too......
I'm now using this via Google chrome and am not looking forward to the others in the house asking me what has gone on and how they get on t'internet....
I think I've finally got it back to resemble something like it used to look like (ish)
Change is as good as a rest they say don't they?
Anyway, on to crafty things...
I was feeling a tad grungey a few evenings ago and decided to break into the latest GottaCraft kit. I always love what Sandra puts together.I challenged myself to use some Tim stamps as it just seemed to lend itself to them.
1 week ago