
Whose Slanket ?

You may remember this post ....The slanket I bought because they are always stealing my brown one and my purple one- thinking no one would dare use it as it's GIRLY colours ........

Boy with a headache/hangover
There's only one thing  for it now - I'm buying an ARSENAL one- they will NOT go near it :-)


Sian said...

lol! Who doesn't love a slanket?!

Anonymous said...

Love that he just has his nose peeping out!

Katherine said...

Love it LOL

Sandra said...

Give up! It's easier lol

Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh my gosh - your final solution truly made me laugh out loud!!!

debs14 said...

Would himself let an Arsenal one in the house? Tee hee - love it! You HAVE to do it.

alexa said...

Smiling here! What a brilliant colour it is - who said males do not do pink? Looking forward to hearing the reaction re the Arsenal one...

Alison said...

Too funny Denise!
Alison xx