
I'm not ready...

As usual time is creeping up on me again. Every year I make a decision to be making my cards early and aim to get them finished and out by the first of December ...
Yep you've guessed it, I haven't made any yet !
BUT i have been a very lucky girl and had a wonderful trip away to Bavaria last weekend just like last year where we visited the Neuschwanstein Castle again.
I was so hoping that it would be snowy again like last year,but wasn't holding out too much hope,but when we arrived it seemed that it was actually more snowy!
I won't bore you with too many photos  'cos I did that last year but it really is so pretty.
We took a horse and carriage up the mountain to the top as there were no buses running - and it really is more fun in the carriage.

When we got to the top - there was the same overpowering eerieness - with the mist and the cold and the castle on its own holding all it's secrets... although there were lots of people around it still had an amazing presence- maybe because of the snow and weird mist...
One minute the sky was blue,then suddenly a mist descended
So- no I'm not ready for that day yet,
but you know what,I'm going with the flow- it will all come together in the end... ( she says hoping ).
I will be Journalling my December Daily - a good mix of the two I hope... turkey is ordered.
I taught a class yesterday at our monthly crop which I'll blog about  soona nd I really will get down to those cards very soon!
Are you ready ???


Sandra said...

Wow, lucky girl, that looks fabulous. Please don't hate me but yes I'm all ready ... Cards were posted out earlier this week, presents all bought and food ordered lol. I adore Christmas so I'm loving this time :).

By the way, loving the look of your blog, have you changed it

scrappyjacky said...

It looks magical.

Sian said...

It looks so gorgeous! Bet it feels like you have had one lovely Christmas laready

Alison said...

It sounds as though you had a lovely time again!
Alyson xx