13 hours ago
The madness that is January
Every year when Christmas is over- January looms.Being in the Accountancy business is always deadline orientated,but in my line (preparing accounts)it is concentrated more in this month when the Tax Returns have to be filed by the end of the month.It has been as busy as always and I haven't seen much of my craft room or done much crafty stuff. I guess it's good that the work is there in these 'Credit Crunch' times but it's pretty tiring. Anyway the madness set in the other afternoon when 'the boss' decided to mess about with a box.... and of course I had my camera handy!
On another note,this evening I sat and finished my other page from the Craftystash crop a couple of weekends ago.
So now I am on countdown to Feb and can't wait to get back into the swing of blog hopping and catching up on everone's news and blogs.Roll on Monday
Something Crafty
Blimey is it that long since I posted anything? The pace is hotting up at work now and will be full steam ahead until Jan 31st. I've been working till late most evenings so by the time I've cooked and cleared up It's been cup of tea time and then fall asleep on the sofa ! My promise to 'keep things normal' has gone a bit by the wayside.Anyway, I really enjoyed the Craftystash crop on Sunday, it was so nice to get back into the swing of it and escape with friends for a day. The boys are all back at Uni now so home is calm and tidy!The classes were lovely by a polish lady called Karola and included 2 pages a mini book and a card,so she did really well with the kit. The papers were actually Christmassy and I was amazed at how Karola had made all these projects that weren't Christmassy out of them! Very clever.
The madness continues
Hands up who is fed up with snow? Well, I love it but it's making my legs ache. I am walking to work in my lovely snuggly flat boots,but being a short person who always wears heels -the flat boots are making the back of my legs really stiff and achy (or I am just seriously unfit!).I'm not fed up with the snow but I would like to be a bit more back to normal soon,especially as one of us has to do the trip of taking the boys back to Uni imminently.It does make taking the dog for a walk far more fun though.
Nothing crafty to post I am afraid-I've seen a few peeps are doing the '365' photo thing but I'm not sure I could actually manage a photo a day, I think I might get boring !
One of the things I resolved to try to do this year was to try and make more interesting dinners - well things that are more healthy or more spicy rather than the same boring stuff. The trouble is, I get in from work and they are all hovering wanting to know how long it will be and I always feel I have to do something that doesn't take too long, I know - I should make something the night before but am not always that organised...I did manage to make a very nice cheesecake for himself as he kept asking me over Christmas to make one ( the one his mum used to make that he loves) I actually adapted it a bit by making it as I normally do but adding a tad of Baileys to the middle bit - very nice it was too ! I'm not so keen on the black cherries but he loves it.
The snow is still hanging around here,the drive and roads here are still pretty dangerous and we had a few slight flurries today so I shall be walking again tomorrow. It's amazing the things you notice when you walk that pass you by when you drive.
Well, it's off to bed for me now as It's late and January is now in full swing at work.. I will be back posting more interesting things very soon !
...and so it begins
The madness that Is January -working in an accountants is pretty hectic in January and I made myself a promise (or a good intention for New Year ) amongst a couple of others that I would try and keep on an even keel this January and still keep normal life going.Don't ask me why but I love crocheting and always used to be flicking a crochet hook and making blankets. I also managed to make some more delicate fiddly things a few years ago too. Occasionally I get my big canvas bag out with odds and ends of wool in and start another blanket. Anyway, I was looking on Ebay the other day for some wool and came across some pattern books for sale for 'Afghan Blankets'. Well, I never knew they were called that and apparently there are all manner of patterns and permutations and sizes that can be made.So the book was ordered and I have instructed himself to get my knitting bag out of the loft ( yep he tidies my wool away cos he can't stand it behind the sofa..lol) Those who know me know that I am married to a virgo who is ultra tidy and always tidying me and my things up ...so watch this space as I intend to try and make one ! Oh and we have had about 4 inches of snow today - it seems to have stopped now but I'm not looking forward to driving tomorrow if it freezes tonight.
Well,there goes another year,hope everyone has had a lovely evening.It is now 2.45 a.m and I am wide awake.Last week when we had nothing planned we were asked to a get together this evening.We have eaten loads,laughed a lot and generally had a great time tonight. One son is home and the other one is not yet,funny isn't it,when they are away at Uni you don't give it another thought but when they are back you still worry about them when they are out.So I shall hope to carry on blogging this year and hopefully make new friends and keep the ones I've made this year and before. So Happy New Year all and long may this continue ..
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