At work the other day we were surprised by the local florist delivering to us a lovely basket as a thank you for our January efforts which was lovely.The basket has been gracing my sideboard and cheering me up especially as it has a sweet little pink ladybirdy thing in it.
This time of year always makes me think of my mum as she loved the spring and the way everything springs to life again after being dormant during the winter so it's nice to h
My latest project of crocheting took a turn last night when I decided to have a go at a more shaped design. It worked okay but needs triangles made to join all the motifs together so not sure if I will take that one any further!
When I was over at my dad's at the weekend,he had a photo of when he took Father Christmas round his village just before Christmas.I had to take a pic of the photo and I reckon I will be thinking of an idea for it to appear on a scrap page very soon.He's done a few wedding with it for some of his friends but it's a wee bit tricky getting in and out of the 'dickie '(I think that's how you spell it ) seat at the back as it's a bit hig
I spotted a whole clutch of snowdrops in our neighbour's garden this morning ~ the sight of them made me hopeful for Spring!
Lovely post! Daffodils are so lovely aren't they? I have really had enough of Winter this year and it isn't over yet. I hear we have more snow on the way Thursday/Friday :-(
I saw snowdrops at the weekend too, they always remind me of my dad, he planted loads in the garden. So it's always nice to see them appear this time of year.
I love Daffs. They;re always so cheery. No sign of mine in the garden yet but I'm ever hopeful :0)
Oh, yes! I think Spring might be just around the corner. Lovely daffodils and a lovely post :)
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