I've had one of those 'can't make my mind up what to do days' today. I think I'm always like this after a 'bad head' day..You'll be pleased to know the meal with friends went well....just one small thing. I'm sure that mums of grown up boys will understand this. Our middle son said during the evening that his friend was coming over - was leaving his car here and they were going out and then coming back here and his friend was staying the night -but he wasn't sure what time they would be in - 12 midnight or It could be 2.30 ish after the club closed depending on where they went.. so friend arrived - they had a chat with us and our friends and off they went.
Well, I know they are grown up and I know that when they are at Uni you don't give it another thought but when I woke in the early hours at 4.am and they weren't home I was a tad nervous....so after debating whether to or not,I texted his number to see if all was ok. Well, that was it then,I could
not get back to sleep and the more I tried the worse I was .I know it's daft but you can't help it can you? I heard the birds, I heard the paperboy and finally got up at 6 o.clock.Anyway to cut a long story short - we got a text back at 8.30 to say they had stayed at my other son's after meeting him out last night .....honestly ....boys .
So ...all was well in the end but mum was tired !
I made a little card this afternoon, he is a 'Magnolia' snowman stamp. I coloured him with Promarkers .

......P.S. How good was Robbie Williams on Strictly tonight ?? Loved it .