One of the challenges over at ATDML this weekend is to use stash you bought at the shop....
I used some of the new range of papers just in from Graphic45...I love their ranges and I couldn't wait to get my hot little hands on this one - The Magic of Oz- mainly because the Wizard of Oz was always one of the films the boys watched and watched over and over again when they were small and it holds a special place in my heart.... I remember walking down to the video shop ( that was the only way you got to watch any films in those days!) we would hire the video nearly every week. In the end, the nice man in the video shop said' you might as well have this video as you hire it so much'!
When my eldest did his very first play at school - it was -yep you guessed 'Wizzie Oz' as they used to call it..
So here is my layout using that lovely new range -of my eldest who is now 26 when he was 5 'Being a Munchkin' and my dear mum's hand is patting his face after just finishing his make up - sweet memories indeed ...
3 weeks ago
Another super layout, Denise :) The Tomboy's reading this over my shoulder and wanted to know what a munchkin was - apparently me singing 'We're off to see the wizard' hasn't answered her question! ;)
great layout, I remember the days of video shops too. One side VHS the otherside betamax!
Another great layout, and such a nice memory.
Gorgeous LO & an equally gorgeous back story! Our first cat was known as 'Chuckle Munchkin' because she was the runt of the litter & was always tiny!!
I love the details on your page Denise - the little cut out figures especially - and what a great story! I'm still referring to dvd's as videos and the kids laugh!
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