It's always a thrill to know that people are reading your blog and also that they like wh
at I have to say and they like to visi

So the 5 random things about me are...
I hate hate hate spiders
I was once featured on Magpie chidren's tv (you'd have to be as old as me to know this program!)with a fossil that I found on holiday when I was about 8.
If I'm indoors in the evening and it's dark outside I can't bear the curtains open, I have to close them.
I was put off of ever going to Venice by a film that scared me big time called Don't Look Now - there was a scary lady in a red cloak in it and it frightened the life out of me!
My favourite dinner is probably Coquilles St Jacques (scallops in cheese sauce ) served in the shell with breadcrumbs..followed by fillet steak chips and caulifower cheese...followed by Creme Brulee...yum.
And finally, here is a pic of a Calendar I've made for my shelf in front of my desk to countown the days to Christmas using the gorgeous Graphic 45 papers - love them.
OK, I now know what to cook when you next come round for dinner! Maybe a special birthday treat next year? it's a date!
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