The prompt today from Shimelle was to list five favourites or the like and link them or post photos or make a layout.
There is nothing I like more after a stressy day at work than to sit down and do a bit of blog hopping and one of my favourite at the moment is
this lady , she has a great way of wording her blog posts and really makes me smile when I read them and she does some amazing work too.I really find the hours slip by when I am visiting blogs and one leads to another and then there are links from there to another and you can discover so many different sites- I love it. One of my other faves at the moment which is always on my list of visits is
this one .

This may be a tad boring if you are not a dog/sheltie lover, but having had them for the last 30 years (god is it that long !) I love to see pics and speak to other sheltie lovers.Now,after I have had a wander round the blogs, been inspired and gone off to my craft room to start a project or two I absolutley am totally hooked on this

....sad I know but it has to be the dulce de leche one and it is really scrummy.
The other two favourites on my list at the moment are of course crafting and scrapbooking - but that is just my number one all the time. I really love Shimelle's classes and am looking forward already to
Journal your Christmas . The final one of my five favourites at the moment is ....

...yep I am totally addicted to farmville on Facebook, have to have the latest goodies they have to offer and have to get on the laptop to check my crops and make sure my cows are milked ..
One other thing I can't miss at the moment is Dancing with the stars (American version of Strictly come dancing -why, anyone who knows me knows I am a bit of a Donny fan -he's doing well so far....

So all in all quite a weird mix I suppose of my five/six favourites today.No craft projects to blog tonight but I have enjoyed listing my faves and am now off to blog hop and go in my craft room to make something :-)